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Paris Court of Appeal, 25 February 2020, No 19/1507575; 19/15816; 19/15817; 1915818; 15/819 The International commercial chamber of the Paris Court of Appeal, created in February 2018, has recently issued a decision on the everlasting topic of arbitrators’ independence and impartiality. The dispute arose between three Brazilian companies, members of a consortium operating on an offshore oil development project in Brazil: Dommo Energia S.A. (“Dommo” or “Claimant”), Barra Energia do Brasil Petróleo e Gás Ltda.…

In a decision dated 15 June 2017, the French Cour de cassation held that an acknowledgment of the validity of the arbitral tribunal’s constitution in the terms of reference amounts to a renunciation to invoke the tribunal’s lack of independence and impartiality.[1] In this case, the chair of the tribunal did not disclose any element in his declaration likely to raise reasonable doubt as to his independence and impartiality. However, one of the parties to…