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Welcome to the 18th edition of the Baker McKenzie International Arbitration Yearbook. We are pleased to bring you our analysis of notable developments in international arbitration over the past year from over 40 jurisdictions worldwide. As with the editions before it, the 2024-2025 Yearbook covers important legislative and case law updates from each jurisdiction. This includes: You can access the latest edition of the International Arbitration Yearbook here or by hovering your cursor over the “International Arbitration Yearbook” menu, which appears…

International disputes increasingly focus on environmental issues, particularly in arbitration, either as a result of regulations deemed too restrictive by foreign investors, or as a result of environmental degradation caused by economic players. This article looks at these trends with a view to anticipating their occurrence in practice. Environmental protection as a source of litigation 87% of business leaders consider ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) standards to be “very to extremely important” for their companies,[1]…

On 1 June 2024, the 2024 Administered Arbitration Rules of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre will come into effect. The 2024 Rules can be accessed here. The 2024 Rules maintain HKIAC’s “light touch” approach to case administration, which respects party autonomy and has been a fundamental feature of HKIAC administered arbitrations. This means that parties who have adopted arbitration under the HKIAC Administered Arbitration Rules in force when the arbitration commences can rest assured…

Capital is a business consulting firm that was founded by Ula Cartwright-Finch, a former lawyer at Linklaters and Herbert Smith Freehills with a PhD in cognitive neuroscience. The report named “The Usual Suspects: Deciphering Decision-Making in Arbitrator Selection” was presented at the ADR in Asia Conference organized by the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) in October 2023. The report endeavors to analyze biases inherent in the process of selecting arbitrators. The key take away of…