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Latin America


On April 26 the Brazilian House of Representatives has approved a reform of the Brazilian Labor Code (“Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho”), aiming at rendering the Brazilian labor market more flexible and allowing more negotiation of rights between employers and employees. One new provision expressly allows arbitration in employment agreements, provided that (i) the monthly compensation of the employee is higher than a certain threshold (at least twice the cap on social security pensions); and…

A U.S. District Court rejected Argentina’s attempt to vacate a USD 21 million international arbitration award in a proceeding administered by ICSID under the UNCITRAL rules on the grounds of partiality and an improper damage award. Petitioner, the Republic of Argentina, sued to vacate a $20,957,809 international arbitration award entered in favor of Respondent AWG Group Ltd. (“AWG”). Argentina sought to vacate based on claims that (1) there was evident partiality in an arbitrator who…

With the ascension of the Trump administration, there is a question whether the investor-state dispute settlement (“ISDS”) provisions under the NAFTA will survive. This note examines the potential effects of such a repeal on investors in NAFTA countries. NAFTA contains 22 chapters dealing with trade and governance issues. NAFTA Chapter 11, titled “Investment,” deals with each state’s treatment of investments made by nationals of other NAFTA parties. Chapter 11 provides protections against mistreatment of investments,…

On December 23, 2016 the Brazilian Senate approved a bill for a new law to regulate public bidding procedure (the “Bill”). In Brazil contracts with state entities in principle shall be subject to such public bidding procedures, which include invitation for qualified interested parties to participate in the bid, as well as publication of draft agreements for the bidders’ comments before the bid. The Public Bids Bill expressly authorizes arbitration on contracts involving state-owned entities,…