In this last video Joerg Risse will sum up all the main changes of the revised DIS-Rules while pointing out what really matters.
Jasmin Sayers shows three main changes arbitration users have to be aware of when it comes to the…
Jan Frohloff points out a few more changes regarding the proceedings before the Arbitral Tribunal (Articles 28-31 DIS…
Time is of the essence – this applies not only to contract law but also to arbitration. How to conduct arbitration proceedings in an even more efficient way will be presented by Gerrit Niehoff (Annex 4 of the DIS-Rules).
Do you want to conduct Arbitration Proceedings quicker and more cost efficiently? Markus Altenkirch is going to demonstrate…
A clear hierarchy of norms, the rules of law and whether arbitral tribunals are permitted to and whether…
An arbitration with 4, 5 or 6 parties under 2, 3 or 4 contracts? Jürgen Schramke gives an overview of the difficulties of Multi-Contract Arbitration and Multi-Party Arbitration which are described in Article 17-20 of the DIS-Rules.
Changes in the Articles 13-16 DIS-Rules will be explained by Tobias Höfling.
Talking about the number of arbitrators in the arbitral tribunal, Maximilian Sattler deals with Article 10 and the…
Different arbitration organizations take different paths for accelerating proceedings. In her video “Request for Arbitration and Answer”, Annette Keilmann gives an insight how the German Arbitration Institute addresses this issue. (Articles 5-8 DIS-Rules)