Welcome to the 14th edition of the Baker McKenzie International Arbitration Yearbook. We are pleased to bring you our analysis of notable developments in international arbitration over the past year from across 47 jurisdictions worldwide, making this our most expansive Yearbook to date.
Such breadth of coverage is only possible because of Baker McKenzie’s truly global presence. Our international arbitration team is the largest, busiest and most ranked arbitration team in the world. With over 200 practitioners, we have acted in more hearings than any other firm, in every major center, allowing us to offer unrivaled insights into the state of arbitration right across the globe.
As with the editions before it, this year’s Yearbook looks at important legislative and case law updates from each jurisdiction. Unsurprisingly, the effects of COVID-19 and the necessary adaptions, such as the rise in virtual hearings, are a prominent theme. Many jurisdictions have also seen updates to their national arbitration laws, as well updated arbitral rules from major arbitral institutions such as the ICC and LCIA. We also look at the ongoing effects of the European Court of Justice’s decision in Achmea and the subsequent termination of intra-EU BITs by most EU member states, as well as the continued rise in artificial intelligence and legal tech, and the significant activity in the energy arbitration sphere, largely driven by the emergence of climate change disputes. I trust you will find our coverage of these, and many other important topics, to be of interest.
In recognition of both our clients’ preferences for soft copy material and our commitment to sustainability, we are continuing the practice started last year of publishing the Yearbook exclusively in electronic format, via our Global Arbitration News blog, rather than in hard copy. This innovative format also allows us to add to the Yearbook throughout the year to reflect the latest developments.
Finally, we extend our thanks to our diligent and industrious editorial team, led by Executive Editor Steve Adams, along with editors Whitney Gatz and Sarah Fox. We are also grateful to Benjamin Roe, Markus Altenkirch, Brigitta John and our vast network of colleagues and friends who have contributed to this international team effort.
Ed Poulton
On behalf of Baker McKenzie’s Global International Arbitration Steering Committee
Asia Pacific
Australia | China | Hong Kong | India |
Indonesia | Japan | Malaysia | Myanmar |
Philippines | Singapore | South Korea | Taiwan |
Thailand | Vietnam |